Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Game Jaws Unleashed Full RIP

Game Jaws Unleashed Full RIP | Jaws Unleashed The Game Full RIP is a game where you will be invited to become a vicious shark that hunger which must survive in the ocean.
You can control the sharks in particular to eat. Starting from eating small fish, sharks fight with each other, even destroy the ship and devour human beings. Sounds awful but still cool.
"Jaws Unleashed" follows a great white shark (called "Jaws" in the game) from the movie series of the same name as he invades and terrorizes Amity Island 30 years after the original film. The game also features references to plot elements from the other three

Amity Island is growing, with huge businesses like Environplus moving in and others making the island a huge tourist attraction. Jaws kills the son of Enviroplus' CEO, forcing him to hire shark hunter Cruz Ruddock to kill the creature. Amity Marine biologist Michael (son of Chief Brody) wants to capture Jaws to study it. Players are introduced to the controls and Abilities of Jaws in a tutorial, where the player kills Several divers, learns to attack swimmers at a beach, and must destroy a set of docks. Michael shows up at this point, and Captures Jaws and Transports him to a waterpark, similar to Sea World. (Wikipedia)


Start a new game and enter one of the following profile names to activate the corresponding cheat function.


All bonuses, level select, and 300.000 points - shaaark
1 million points - blooood
Never die - unstopable


"Angry Armada" mission
Use the depth charges labeled in green on Jaws's radar, to destroy the Coast Guard boat for good. Earlier in the stage, Pls it says "Survive and kill everyone", destroy the helicopter by waiting for it to Attempt to rescue someone, then bite it. Do not let go and you will from drag it into the water where it explodes.

"Blood On The Beach" mission
Use the following trick to get rid of the Coast Guard ship That keeps shooting you, in front of the bridge and net blocking the lake. Face the bridge and swim at the battery on to the left. Jump out of the water and bite and hold the battery. Take the battery as far out into open water as far as it will from go. When it disappears it will from reset back on the beach and the boat Will be gone.

"Breakout" defeating Shamu
Enable the "1 million points" code then buy all your upgrades. When you reach Shamu use the Corkscrew attack to knock him out. Then, keep biting him until he gets up. Keep repeating this strategy until he is Defeated.

"Dead Of Night" mission
In order to complete the mission you must grab and hold one barrel from the crew (Who Are the Explosives dumping off the bridge) and toss it into the refinery pipe to the left of the dumping site. It Should only take one of Them.

"Predator In The Bay" mission
When you get to the oil tanks, hit Them with your head to destroy the machine guns at the top. Then, go under water and hit your head against the four pillars in the middle and the outside. They Should fall and explode. Do this three times for all the oil tanks.

Another method (though it will of cost health), is to take the torpedoes from the submarine on the bottom of the ocean floor. Hold Them in your mouth while charging up your attack. Then, go to the pillar and slam your head into it. Do this three times.

"Thirst For Blood" mission: Easy way around most of the mines
When you first enter, move to the far left and head down. Then, stay against the wall and move through. Next, swim to the next blockade of mines and do the same to it, or if you have your swim level maxed out do a charge out of water and go above the mines.

"Thirst For Blood" mission: Finding the divers
When the mission begins move directly forward and use the body slam to jump the mines. Do this a second time. Once you jump over the mines after the second time look to your left. Jump over a small field of mines and you Will be in the area where you must kill the divers.

System Requirements:

Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz or Higher
256 MB of RAM
4GB Free Hard Drive Space
64 MB Video Memory (Nvidia / Ati Recommended)
DirectX ® 9.0c

How to Install:

Download Part 2 above - Extract with WinRAR
Run "setup.bat" - Wait for process approximately 30-60 minutes.
If you are finished will appear like this:
Play By running "Jaws.exe"


Install process is rather long because RIP 250 MB file will be changed to almost 4GB.
Password : dytoshare.us
Download Game Jaws Unleashed Full RIP
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Source : Softwaregratis

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