Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


DOWNLOAD Platinum Hide IP

Platinum Sembunyikan IP - Memberikan Anda Perlindungan Privasi Online Platinum. Gunakan Sembunyikan IP Platinum untuk menjaga alamat IP asli tersembunyi, berselancar secara anonim, aman semua protokol pada PC Anda, menyediakan enkripsi penuh aktivitas Anda saat bekerja di Internet, dan banyak lagi. Dapatkan Perlindungan Privasi Online Platinum. Dengan IP Platinum Hide, Anda bisa berselancar secara anonim, mengirim email anonim melalui sistem email berbasis web, mengakses situs diblokir atau forum, mendapatkan dilindungi dari setiap situs web yang ingin memantau minat membaca dan memata-matai Anda melalui alamat IP yang unik Anda, dll identitas Anda aman, dilindungi, dan anonim. IP Platinum Sembunyikan memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih lokasi IP anda seperti Amerika Serikat, Amerika kerajaan, Perancis, dll dari jendela IP Pilih Negara.
Perancis, dll dari jendela Pilih Negara IP.

Fitur Utama:
• anonymize Surfing Web Anda. IP asli Anda tersembunyi ketika Anda surfing di Internet, menjaga aktivitas online Anda dari dilacak oleh orang lain.
• Lindungi Identitas Anda. Anonim web surfing memungkinkan Anda untuk mencegah pencuri identitas dari mencuri identitas Anda atau informasi pribadi lainnya, dan menjaga komputer Anda aman dari serangan hacker atau risiko lainnya.
• Pilih Negara IP dan Periksa IP. Daftar proxy dari berbagai negara diaktifkan dan Anda memutuskan untuk memilih satu negara dari jendela IP Pilih Negara. Anda dapat memeriksa alamat IP saat ini secara langsung.
• Kirim Email Anonymous. Kirim email anonim melalui sistem berbasis web mail seperti Gmail, Hotmail, dll
• Dapatkan membatalkan pemblokiran dari Forum dan Website diblok. Mengubah alamat IP Anda dan kemudian Anda bisa mendapatkan diri Anda membatalkan pemblokiran dari setiap forum atau situs lain yang diblokir pernah melarang Anda.

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Windows XP Prog (Professional Gamer) Sp3 Rev 0.05

Windows XP PROG (Professional Gamer) Sp3 Rev 0.05 | Has developed a new operating system modification. With features and excellent stability.

-Based On Windows Xp Sp3 MSDN RTM VLK (activated)
-Installation take 11 minutes

First Boot-Ram "Without driver" installed "45MB" (45MB +1.5 mb "Task Manager" = 46.5mb)
Handle Processes By CPU-only "14"
Boot-time only "14sec"
-Intregated WMP 11
-FULLY SUPPORT LASTEST CPUs AMD X6 X6 {full support cpu intel / amd}
{Support the use of SATA hard drives (sata desktop) with kapasaitas MORE THAN "2" terabyte}
(ALL Tested)
(Speed ​​Boot Time is Depend Your Rig System)

-Software compatibility 4 of5
-Gaming Performance 5 of5
-Security Support 4 of5
-Network Support 2 of5


Minimum System Requirements (unknow stability)
-Running on 800MHz CPU speed
-64mb Ram
-1GB of Hard Drive space
-8mb of VRAM

-Running on 1.8 Ghz Cpu
-Ram 128mb
-2gb of Hard Drive space
-16MB of VRAM

Best System SPECIFICATIONS (multimedia spec)
-Running on 2.4 ghz CPU
-Ram 256mb
-4gb of Hard Drive space
-32MB of VRAM

High System SPECIFICATIONS (gaming spec)
Running on CPU-3GHz
-Ram 512mb
-6GB of Hard Drive space
-64mb VRAM

* Note * Mod Release

-Improv stability "Online Gaming and Lan Gaming"
Enable the "Peer to Peer Gaming (lan gaming)"
Crass-free game (not by this os)
-Remove "Luna theme" (Because take more ram)
Classic log-on or off (for faster log on and shut down)
-Fixed Network "Error" Message
Rename the project to XP_PROG_Sp3_r.0.0.5

! __Know Issue__!
Can not use automatic DHCP-
Can not use data-sharing
-Can not use wifi (not suported for any notebook or desktop PC using any wifi)
-Issue keyboard pd pd quotes (") (solution = press sign" and then press space to bring up ")
-In task manager unknow user application runs in user but by default applications run by an administrator right

-Removed Old Hardware Driver
-Never run msconfig or your boot time will increase of (boot.ini backup solution)

Thanks to santos IDWS

Extract All Part with winrar
Put the extract file in one folder
Then join files using HJSplit input only file .001

Download Mediafire @10 MB
Download Windows XP PROG (Professional Gamer) Sp3 Rev 0.0

Pokemon Movie 14 (sub indonesia)

Ni dia film kartun gw di waktu kecil XD
jadi bernostalgia lagi~
langsung aja nih saya kasih Link downloadtan nya

[Part 1] | [Part 2] | [Part 3]

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Video Yu-Gi-Oh 5'D Episode 51

Size: 70mb
Language: English
Format: MKV
Fansub: ygoEXCEED

Video Yugioh Zexal episode 42

CCleaner 3.16 Business Edition Full + CCEnhancer 3.0

CCleaner 3.16 Business Edition Full + CCEnhancer 3.0 | CCleaner 3.16 Business Edition Full + CCEnhancer 3.0 This software utility is a reliable but simple. A small software that is sometimes underestimated it actually has a simple but important function for ourPC is a registry cleaner and repair waste.  CCleaner 3.16 Business Edition Full + CCEnhancer 3.0 also allow you to uninstaller. Equipped with 3.0 CCEnhancer'll beupdating the database so that the performance is okay.

Having a tool That cleans your computer of unwanted files system is great and highly recommended, but having one you can take everywhere with you is even better.

This way, you'll Make sure you have a weapon against unnecessary system files, no matter what computer you use or Whose (not that someone would like you messing around Their computer).

CCleaner Portable is a compact version of CCleaner That you can store on a CD, USB flash drives, microSD, or even two floppy disks if you still use Those.

Obviously, this means That installation is not Necessary. Simply run the executable file, after the which ACKs CCleaner you to run a (quick) scansystem.

The user interface is light, and here you can remove files found on your hard drive.

You can analyze and clean Internet Explorer, Windows Exporer, System (eg temps, logs), and Advanced files (eg Tray Notifications Cache), but also contents found on any other web browser you may use, as well as Various applications (eg Adobe , Messenger, RegEdit).

The Registry tab is where you can scan for issues (like missing DLL files, or registries That are Supposed to run at startup), and fix them.

At the Tools section you can uninstall programs, enable / disable startup programs, system restore (CCleaner displays time and description for each restore point), and wipe drives (free space only, or entire drives).

Lastly, in Options you can delete cookies, Permanently shred data, and exclude files or registry entries Certain from being removed.

CPU and memory are minimally used, but that does not even matter seeing how CCleaner Portable completes each task extremely Quickly.

To install CCleaner Portable extract the ZIP file to a folder of your choice on a flash drive or burn the files to a CD or DVD.

Start the CCleaner by double-clicking on portable.exe instead of CCleaner.exe and use CCleaner normally.

Cleans the Following:

· Internet Explorer
Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
· Firefox
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
· Google Chrome
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
· Opera
Temporary files, history, cookies.
· Safari
Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
· Windows
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
· Registry cleaner
Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, Including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, CLASSIDS, ProgIDs, uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more ... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.
· Third-party applications
Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps Including Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more.

What's New in This Release: 

· Added Startup Scheduled Task tool in management.
· Added Option to close browsers running when cleaning.
· Improved Google Chrome History cleaning.
· Improved Aurora History cleaning.
· Improved compatibility of Windows 8.
· Added cleaning for AIMP 3, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 and ALZip.
· Improved cleaning for Snagit 10, AntiVir Desktop, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11, and Adobe Acrobat 9.0 and 10.0.
· 64-bit EXE Reduced memory usage.
· Minor GUI improvements.
Password : www.dytoshare.us


PC Optimizer Pro
DOWNLOAD PC Optimizer Pro

PC Optimizer Pro - sebuah program untuk membersihkan, memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan sistem operasi Windows dalam beberapa klik mouse. Program ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja komputer Anda, sehingga menjalankan komputer Anda lebih cepat, dan memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbaiki kesalahan system, mencegah hingga 90% dari semua kegagalan di komputer. Program ini terdiri dari satu set utilitas sistem yang membantu Anda membersihkan sistem registry dan hard disk puing, menghapus aplikasi yang tidak dibutuhkan dan program dari startup, akan menampilkan informasi tentang sistem Anda dan membuat salinan cadangan jika terjadi kegagalan sistem, dan banyak operasi lainnya.

Pernah bertanya-tanya jika seseorang dapat membaca MSN messenger atau yahoo messenger? Jawabannya adalah ya karena sesi chat secara otomatis disimpan di PC Anda! Tapi fret tidak, PC Optimizer Pro menghapus semua log obrolan Anda, tidak meninggalkan jejak mereka. Fiuh! Itu akan lebih baik ... semua fungsi penting di atas kita telah menjelaskan dapat dilakukan dengan satu klik. Itu benar, Anda dapat menjadwalkan semua prosedur yang akan dijalankan secara otomatis sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang kinerja atau sistem keamanan lagi. Mengatur PC Optimizer Pro untuk berjalan ketika anda boot up atau mematikan - itu pilihan Anda. Singkatnya, PC Optimizer Pro membuat komputer anda berjalan lebih cepat dan mencegah hingga 90% dari Windows crash. Setelah PC Anda bersih dari kesalahan registri maka Anda benar-benar akan melihat mengakhiri memperlambat, operasi beku, atau tak terduga. Bahkan, jika sistem anda sudah menabrak atau merebut up tanpa alasan yang jelas, maka anda perlu PC Optimizer Pro sekarang! PC Optimizer Pro merupakan rangkaian dari otomatis sistem pemeliharaan dan optimalisasi utilitas yang kinerja tune up windows. Ini akan menghapus file sampah untuk menghemat ruang disk berharga dan mencegah aplikasi crash.

Fitur Utama:

• Registry Optimizer
File yang tidak diinginkan selalu hadir dalam jendela registri dari PC Anda membuat yang terakhir sangat rumit. Registry optimizer melakukan pembersihan file yang tidak diinginkan untuk kinerja PC yang efektif.
• Privacy Guard
Internet trek yang berlebihan bisa membuat PC berjalan rumit, lebih rendah lebih baik. Selain itu, Privacy Guard melakukan pekerjaan melindungi privasi keseluruhan PC Anda.
• File Shredder
File fungsi Shredder melakukan pekerjaan secara permanen menghapus file dari disk Anda sehingga menghilangkan ketakutan dari mereka yang pernah pulih (fungsi penting karena bahkan ketika Anda sampah file atau memformat hard drive anda, data masih dapat dipulihkan dan bisa disalahgunakan).
• Program Uninstaller
Program Uninstaller meng-uninstall program yang tidak berguna yang ada di PC Anda, membuat PC Anda lebih sederhana dan ramah untuk Anda.
• Mengelola Startup
Mengelola Startup adalah jenis utilitas perangkat lunak yang sikat PC anda start-up sehingga Anda dapat memiliki PC lebih cepat. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengontrol, mengkonfigurasi dan meninjau program Anda yang dijalankan saat Anda kekuatan sistem anda atau logon ke Windows.
• Sistem Informasi
System Info memberikan potongan informasi yang berguna tentang konfigurasi sistem anda.
• Windows Tools
Windows Tools adalah sebuah utilitas payung PC Optimizer Pro yang memberikan pengguna berbagai cara untuk mengelola berbagai jenis fungsi Windows yang berhubungan dengan PC mereka.
• Restore Backup
Dengan Backup Restore, Anda dapat membalikkan aksi pembersihan registri yang dilakukan oleh Anda yang terakhir kalinya.

PC Optimizer Pro - a program for cleaning, repair and optimize the Windows operating system in a few mouse clicks. The program allows you to optimize the performance of your computer, making your computer run faster, and allows you to fix various system errors, preventing up to 90% of all failures in the computer. The program consists of a set of system utilities that help you clean the system registry and hard disk of debris, remove unneeded applications and programs from startup, will show you information about your system and make a backup copy in case of system failure, and many other operations.

Ever wondered if someone can read your MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger? The answer is yes because these chat sessions are automatically saved in your PC! But fret not, PC Optimizer Pro erases all of your chat logs, leaving no trace of them. Phew! It gets better ... all the above crucial functionalities we've described can be performed with one single click. That's right, you can schedule all procedures to be automatically executed so you never have to worry about security or system performance again. Set PC Optimizer Pro to run when you boot up or shut down - it's your choice. In a nutshell, PC Optimizer Pro makes your computer run faster and prevents up to 90% of Windows crashes. Once your PC is clean of registry errors then you will absolutely notice an end to slow, frozen, or unpredictable operation. In fact, if your system is already crashing or seizing up for no apparent reason, then you need PC Optimizer Pro right now! PC Optimizer Pro is a suite of automated system-maintenance and optimization utilities which tune up windows performance. It removes junk files to save valuable disk space and prevents application crashes.

Key Features:

• Registry Optimizer
Unwanted files are always present in the windows registry of your PC making the latter very cumbersome. Registry optimizer does the cleaning of unwanted files for an effective PC performance.
• Privacy Guard
Excessive internet tracks can make PC running complicated; lesser the better. Moreover, Privacy Guard does the job of protecting your PC's overall privacy.
• File Shredder
File Shredder function does the job of permanently removing files from your disk thereby dispelling the fears of them being ever recovered (a vital function because even when you trash files or reformat your hard drive, data can still be recovered and can be misused).
• Program Uninstaller
Program Uninstaller uninstalls useless programs present in your PC, making your PC simpler and friendlier for you.
• Manage Startup
Manage Startup is a type of software utility which brushes up your PC's start-up so that you may have a speedier PC. It allows you to control, configure and review your programs that start when you power up your system or logon to Windows.
• System Info
System Info gives useful pieces of information regarding your system's configuration.
• Windows Tools
Windows Tools is an umbrella utility of PC Optimizer Pro that gives a user multiple ways to manage different sorts of Windows related functions of their PC.
• Restore Backup
With Restore Backup, you can reverse the action of registry cleaning performed by you the last time.

Internet Download Manager 6.09 Build 3 Full + Patch

 Internet Download Manager 6.09 Build 3 Full + Patch | Internet Download Manager is the latest version is available, namely Internet Download Manager 6.09 Build 3. In this version of Internet Download Manager adds the ability to integrate the file sharing sites that still could be detected from the previous version, fixes bugs, and fixes the compatibility of the new browser.Check aja deh.

What is Internet Download Manager:

Those who do not know IDM (Internet Download Manager) is an application toincrease download speeds, with Internet Download Manager can also createschdule download, then we can set when you finish downloading the computer willshutdown automatically, so when the download is safe if your computer live . And many more advantages to use Internet Download Manager.

Internet Download Manager is a powerful download manager That promises to Accelerate downloads by up to 500 percent.

In Addition, the application can also restart interrupted downloads and integrate into a large number of browsers, Including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

Internet Download Manager's interface is clean and well-organized, with large, stylish buttons That facilitate the management of the files in process. It is a great organizer too, as every single download can be moved into a different folder, depending on its type. Plus, it has a rich settings menu where you can change the way the program handles Certain file formats or the default download locations.

We tried the quick update function too, the which worked like a breeze and Basically updated the application with just a single click. It all CAME down to choosing whether to update or not, and the whole job was done by the integrated updater That the new files automatically downloaded and installed them on the computer.

The application encases all the features specific to a decent download manager, Including drag and drop support, a task scheduler, virus protection, queue processor, HTTPS support, progressive downloading with quotas, command line parameters, sounds, ZIP preview and proxy servers.

The tests Revealed That the CPU and memory footprint is minimal, but this also depends on the download speed and the overall size of the file.

Internet Download Manager is a must have application for many users out there. It will PROVE WHO Itself essential for users download large files on a regular basis.

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase of download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads.

Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator features intelligent dynamic file That segmentation and safe multipartdownloading technology to Accelerate your downloads.

During the download process Internet Download Manager segmentsdownloaded files dynamically, unlike other download accelerators and managers That segment files before the download starts Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to Achieve better acceleration performance.
Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, directories with authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing, and a large number of directory listing formats.

IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE, Google Chrome, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads.

You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, built-in download accelerator, scheduler pro, sounds on events, HTTPS support, queue processor, pipelining of ftp commands, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), command line parameters, and many others.

What's new in version 6:09 3 build:
Improved downloading from file sharing sites
fixed bugs


· Microsoft Internet Explorer
· Netscape Navigator
· MSN Explorer
· AOL Explorer
· Opera
· Mozilla Firefox
· Mozilla Firebird
· Avant Browser
· MyIE
· Google Chrome
Password : www.sofwergratis.com

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Yeahbit DiskCleaner 2.0.0

Yeahbit DiskCleaner 2.0.0
DOWNLOAD Yeahbit DiskCleaner 2.0.0

Yeahbit DiskCleaner Pro adalah pembersih file sampah cepat dan aman. Dengan mesin scan canggih, aman dan cepat menempatkan file sampah di sistem anda. Dengan menghapus file-file sementara dan sampah, sehingga meningkatkan ruang disk yang tersedia dan meningkatkan kinerja sistem.

Anda dapat menentukan konten untuk menyertakan atau mengecualikan di scan dan pilih drive untuk memindai. Scrubber Disk yang memungkinkan Anda untuk secara permanen menghapus file dihapus dan mengamankan privasi Anda dari mata.

Yeahbit DiskCleaner Pro is a quick and safe junk file cleaner. With the advanced scan engine, it safely and quickly locates junk files in your system. By deleting temporary and junk files, it increases available disk space and improves system performance.

You can specify the content to include or exclude in the scan and select drives to scan. Its Disk Scrubber enables you to permanently wipe deleted files and secure your privacy from prying eyes.

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